I would like to just explain the whole scenario that took place during the whole rob thing. That day, well, morning, me and rohana went to the High-5 bread factory because it's quite compulsory for the club members to go for it. We brought some goodies home, big bags of breads and stuff, just had to carry it, too big, haha. Then, we got back around 2.40 pm, I wanted to go for my chinese class, but just too lazy and tired that time (I should've gone). So I had to walk home, as usual, just that Hemala was not with me this time. I just remember carrying my bag and holding that bag of 'goodies', walking alone under that hot sun, terrible.
Not many cars at that time. I was just thinking to myself bout some stuff then suddenly I heard a voice like my conscience (but it's definitely not conscience) that told me I'm gonna be rob! And the amazing thing is, it told me where it's going to take place, and true enough, it really happened! Then when I was just goin to pray, a motorbike just came towards me, for dunno what reason I stopped at that moment and place, cos the road was quite narrow and there's a car infront of me, so naturally I stop for the car or bike to pass through. After that, hah, frightening thing happen. Suddenly the bike stopped and a guy behind another guy who's driving the bike got off and came behind me. He started grabbing me and spoke in malay, rather muffled, saying 'bagi saya wang awak' I was quite terrified and shock at the fact that it really came true. And I saw he was holding a knife, oh gosh, freaking man, it's a big knife again, phew!
Ok, then I said ok, ok, and he just quickly open the zip and took my money and key away and the goddies! During that, I prayed in tongues infront of him, out loud. I think he must have thought I was cursing him or something, haha. Oh, and before that, I also prayed that he won't take my mp4 away, and thank God he didn't!! Then he got onto the bike. Btw, he's a malay and the other guy who's riding the bike was wearing helmet, so I can't possibly see his face. I was too stunned and shocked that time that I didn't even think of looking at the carplate. Sigh, should have been more aware. Then a lady driving her bus came to me and she asked me some questions. Actually, if she saw what had happened, then why didn't she just called the police or something? Well, nvm, maybe she was too shocked herself or maybe she saw the knife too, hmm.. whatever, can't blame her also. Besides, she asked me to call my mum to pick me up, oww.. but my mum can't, she's stuck at home. No choice but to walk home alone...
I didn't really cried that time, just shocked that it really happened, well, yea, did cry a little. Then I told my mom everything and she tried to calm me down. So I tried to cool down for while and sms 2 of my most trusted friends, urmm, or 'bros', haha.. sigh, actually, guys, it was quite hard to tell it, but I just had to, cos it's just too hard for me to handle it alone. Thanks guys, for your help. And thanks brian, for helping me with those comforting words, thank you so so much. Traumatic? seriously, yea, who wouldn't say no, unless you're some kind of person that's so damn fearless of course. But I manage to get over it now, phew, I'm still as cool and tough as I used to be. Yup, strength is what I needed most that time, strength to really overcome it. lol.. I played the piano that evening and I played it with much emotion and the dynamics was great! Haha, would've got high marks if it was exam. I seriously thought bout this kinda things during that time, I'm weird huh? Some people would've cried really loud and try not to do anything but sleep. I can't sleep at that time, haha. Though I got a headache, I just wanted to... dunno.
I told myself that I'm gonna forgive that guy for what he has done and if I ever saw him again, I will tell him a great news which he has yet to know :) I just really wanna thank the Lord that he has really indeed protect me during that time, that I didn't got hurt or killed that time. It's by Your amazing grace and mercy that has led me to understand and important lesson which I couldn't have thought of. In all things, I wanna give my utmost praise and thanks to You! Truly You're one great and true God that's unlike any others, Amen. But though things like this may happen to you, God will always be there to comfort you and heal that trembling thought of yours. Just ask Him, and He will be there for you. Why did He let this happen to me? Well, that's kinda personal, more of like a lesson for me to learn. He let it happen for a purpose. Nevertheless, I'm thankful and gald it happen, to help me realise something that meant so important to me. During that whole process, I tried to be just cool and calm, smile and laugh with my friends and so on, just tried to feel normal. But it was a struggle. I kept imagining accidents, and lots of terrrible stuff, even when I'm on the road or in the car, my imagination would just go wild with those disastress stuff. It just haunts me and it's freakishly scary. I just prayed and it got better. The Power of Prayer :D
To tell you the truth, I was emotionally disrupted since then, but the Lord healed my heart slowly, to bring that broken pieces back to it's place, it took time. I had to go through it for months and only now, I could really set that poignant and trauma free.. with the help of the Most Holy One. So that's why I'm writing it now! Haha..
As the word says:
"I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble" Proverbs 4:11, 12 (NIV)
Yes, wisdom and strength. I shall not stumble once more, but rise up with much strength and boldness, leaving behind the past and moving forward, with steps that will not be hampered
Above all, I wanna thank God again and thank you too.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
I give all my praise to You!
Posted by Geraldine B. at 7:33 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
They got me this!! It glows.. that's what makes it special :D
That night...
It's the Christmas tree.. I spent almost the whole night putting it up
In all things, I wanna give thanks and praise to Him that has indeed blessed me with so much that I myself can't actually imagine. Thank You, Lord, for blessing me with such wonderful family and friends that cares about me.
Posted by Geraldine B. at 9:38 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
A day with the ladies
(Ignore the date, it was not adjusted)
The Receptionist.. That's my mum on the left in yellow and white.
Appetizer + Steak + Dessert = RM 50
The steak was not really tasty to me, just ok, nothing seriously fabulous.
I just love both this aunties.. They're so friendly~ ^^
The one on the left is japanese.
Posted by Geraldine B. at 8:09 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Regretted? Sorely
My foolishness that barbed,
befuddled, maybe;
a paragon of adverse causer,
adept in it?
sorely, yes.
I baffles and back-bites,
never fails to do so;
not an adroit,
not at all.
I'm tired of, good
sounds more like a baddy in a movie;
an ad infinitum act?
absolute yes.
Ah, this adversity,
I'm exhausted of it;
not a good person at all?
it's a balderdash if it's not.
Sigh, can a plonker like me,
make an about-turn?
It's a poser,
heart palpitates,
not pandering,
I really doubt so.
One down,
one more to go;
a parameter that never ends,
a parlous situation;
I'm said to be,
A pariah.
A happy ending?
Never so,
awaiting for a miracle,
unabashed to say,
I'm a total, absolute plonker.
Forgive me,
I abhor with my own act;
which results in,
total sadness.
Posted by Geraldine B. at 2:16 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Jeng.. Jeng
I had my appointment today, which is the appointment of meeting the doctor to discuss about my now-still-hurting knee. Sigh, my heart kind of palpitated a lil bit, not forgetting the fact that I didn't really do my knee exercise (physiotherapy) well, and having the thought that he (the doctor) will say " You may need an operation", that will certainly blow me away. Turns out it was a different doctor, F-I-U-H! He said I won't need to wear the bandage from now onwards, but I feel more secure wearing it. Haha, there's one thing he said that I find really interesting. Apparently I have loose joints, which means I'm very flexible, and normally gymnast has this sort of problem. So I can say that I am a potential gymnast. Lol.. I giggled when my mum added saying that I'm not a gymnast but yet I have this problem. Kinda funny to me, hehe. Oh, and one more thing, the doctor said if the condition of my leg is not getting better, I would need to go for a minor operation. *SHREEK* the word 'operation' never fails to haunt me. Though he said it would be very minor, but I think the pain would be atrocious, for sure. Though so, I believe that the Lord can heal! And that I would have to pray hard and work on the physiotherapy so my leg can be well. (:
Posted by Geraldine B. at 5:36 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The driver just brought mum home from Genting. What a fun and great time she had there and I'm stuck at home, sigh. Mum said I look thinner. Yea, I lost 3kg just in.. 4 days?? Guess now I understand how people lose weight when they're sick. Maybe I was just too stress out from those activities. I'm gonna be quite busy from Saturday onwards. Worst... gargh. I need to be strong, can't just fall sick again. I can do all things through Him who gives me strength. Amen. Help me, O Lord, that I can go through these things without feeling too exhausted and fall sick again. Thank You, Lord:)
Posted by Geraldine B. at 11:24 PM 0 comments
Posted by Geraldine B. at 8:33 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Gosh.. I regretted sleeping only at 3 this morning. Just love watching that show. And now my head is hurting like mad! It feels like as though my brain is pierced by some giant needle or something. I'm gonna sleep early tonight... for sure. It has gone from bad to worse.. gargh! My bad...
Posted by Geraldine B. at 5:22 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sigh.. haha..
Sigh, what a terrible fever I had during these 2 days! Weird and terrible. Weird, it's because I'm suddenly struck by it, for dunno what reason. Terrible, really excruciating pain. Fever, headache, body ache and cough all at the same time. Sigh, at least I'm feeling much better now, after sleeping for about 5-6 times today. Guess the more I sleep, the better I felt. Like what doctors normally say, patient must always have good rests. Yup, I was too tired that I kept falling asleep. I'm feeling much better now and that's why I'm able to write it down and online. Thank God! And thank Him for blessing me with a sis that took good care of me. Thanks sis :) Sigh, my parents are not at home, the same goes to my first sis who is now at Muar, Johor for a posting. Do hope you'll do well there. Take care ya. Remember that you are there for a purpose and He has a great plan for you there. Maybe to set up a church there one day. Haha. AMEN! You can do it, sis! With His grace of course :)
Posted by Geraldine B. at 6:04 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
This is what they call "child prodigy"
Thank God! I've just passed my piano exam and there was so much anxiety in me that I may fail because I had not sit for the examination for nearly 2 years. Butterflies in my stomach, of course. I think I suck in my scales, clueless of what has happen to my fingers just at that moment during the exam. But over all, I'm seriously glad I've passed in it, yes, by His grace of course! Okay, the title doesn't relate to any of what I'm saying right here. Just wanna let you all see a magnificient violinist which I guess is around the age of 10-12, playing his exam piece C of the ABRSM grade 8 syllabus.
The only word I could just simply say is .. Wow.. wonderful playing. I've a violin at home and my sister plays it. To tell you the truth, it's not that easy. Plucking the strings and so on is sort of hard to me, just gonna wait for my sis to finish her exam and teach me to play! I'm gonna take up guitar. It's just so cool playing it.
This is another one, a great one too. A 5 years old child performing at the Vivaldi Concerto No. 1 Spring with her mum who's playing the piano. I love that girl's playing and especially her mum's.
Posted by Geraldine B. at 12:57 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
Move on!
Posted by Geraldine B. at 8:43 PM 0 comments
Acquaintance turns friends
One day, a 15- year-old girl met up with 3 people, 2 guys and a girl at a practice for the Independence day of Malaysia. She didn't really know them at first, just a conversation that consist only of a Hi and a bye. As this 15 years old girl went online one day, she signs into a website called friendster and saw a profile of one of the 3 people. She added him as friend and soon talking with each other. One day, that guy ask if she wants to join conversation with the 2 other people, she accepts. The four of them soon start talking to each other in the net and after those long talks and chats, they soon became good friends.
Haha, guys.. I guess you know who I'm talking about, huh? Haha, this is just like a story, writing it this way in purpose. Well, those 3 people mention above is Ashwin, Rohana and Brian. Haha. The tales of a 15 years old girl meeting up with three 17 years old people. Since I did not have the chance to share what I had wanted to say, just gonna write it here. Why am I writing this? It's because of my gratitude towards you guys for being such good buddies to me.(Wei, I crop your pic and did some adjustment..haha..just think you look more macho in this pic)
Ahh, ash, just gonna write about you first since you're the oldest among all. Hehe. Ashwin a.k.a big bro, yup, that's how he is called, by me. Just wanna thank you that it's because of you, I can meet up with the other two. My regards to you: 1. Do well in your coming exam and keep up the good work. Don't let anyone down especially you-know-who. Show to everyone that you can do it. 2. Take good care of her. Though she may let you down at some point, just forgive her. It is important in a relationship to forgive one another. That's what makes a relationship stronger. :) I took a train one day to megamall and saw a couple with 2 children. An indian dad and a chinese mom. It really reminds me of you two you know? hahaha. Eh, don't forget to invite me to your wedding next time, k? Lol, long time didn't say this, just joking, haha. Well, yea, that's about it. Oh, one last thing, pls don't ask about my leg again, because I had to answer the same old thing all over again, really tiring. Thanks for your concern, big bro! But I just hope that I can recover soon or else En. Paraminder will tease me again. Maybe this time he will get something worse than the bottle of his and try to knock my leg. Sigh. Haha, thx.Dai che, dai che, the leng loi among all leng loi. Haha. Dai che, you look pretty la, don't deny it. Hmm, to me, you don't really have a pure malay look, some sort of mix chinese and malay. You know what? I'm so used to calling you dai che that calling you by name is kinda' weird for me. Haha. As the same, I wish you all the best in your coming big exam and make yourself proud with the outstanding results later :) And also, I hope that you will be able to pursue your dreams and goals that is to become a great-top in the whole world game creator. (Isit called like that?) I also hope that you'll be able to find your dream guy and the perfect soul-mate, and if you think he's the one, just go for it :D . Hehe. Hmm.. and btw, I do think that you're a bright student. "Pakar Rohana" hahah.. I'm sure you'll do well in your exam.
Last but not least, brian a.k.a dai go. Hmm.. wonder why I called you dai go? Guess it's because of your maturity, an urbane guy like you and the love you had for God that impresses this one self. You may think that you're not living up to God's expectations and afflicts you with sadness and lack of confidence, bear in mind that He sees one's heart more than what that one does. I'm not saying actions are not important too. But the love you have for Him worth more than the actions you do. You should not be feeling down for there are umpteen reasons that I'm sure you know of. Don't let those thoughts undermine your inner confidence. Indeed His love is unrivalled. { I want nothing else, other than to be a "man after God's own heart"} I see that you truly love the Lord with all your heart (: And for that, I, geraldine a.k.a sai mui sorely respect this one for the love he had for the Ultimate One - God. About the pics and the comments I have written (I know that was months ago), the uncanny reasons that has put you into such state before, for that, I'm sorry, again. My regards: do your best for Him, yourself and the ones you love. As I said before, surrender it all to Him. He will surely bless you. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. " Philippians 4:13. Remember that (:
And to you all: I'm truly sorry if this sai mui or lil sis of yours has hurt any of you in someways. And if I did treat you coldly, maybe it's just because I'm too tired or something else is bothering me at that time. In all things, forgive me..
I wanna wish you all again the very best in your coming examination and do well! All the best guys :)
With sincere,
sai mui / lil sis
Posted by Geraldine B. at 6:41 PM 0 comments