Monday, February 23, 2009

And so..

As far as this one go, alone not many could grasp the true meaning if 'it'. Shall I call it a mere statement? But to all it differs in meaning. A beaut with scars beneath or within that awaits with much eager, of something that could hold this heart of hers besides the cardiac within. A feeling which one couldn't expect.. heavy, atrocious, and finally.. unmitigated. An unfeigned love, unsullied? She was, rather ruffled with her mind, patently saying: "I'm a fool, gosh!" Even figuring or plumbing utterance poorly spoken. Yet such poshy, acquisite possesion she refuse, what more does she wants? Astonishing she, statute and righteousness, her character that moves, passion of full and panache of an honorable lady. Can one be describe as of par excellence and adorn with words like such? But still she bereft of one important thing. And so my hope for the posterity to know the One who longs for you to come to Him, regardless of the affluent or the paupers, the acolyte either master, acquaintance or friends, be transformed by the mighty King who is coming to meet His people once more and to bring them back to His Father. And so, be prepared...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Check This Out.. She's good..!

Monday, February 16, 2009


Gosh, I didn't know I would be so blur these days. Seriously I don't like it at all. I lost practically almost everything! Gosh, what happened to me, Lord? I tend to lose strength each day. Just today, I got so angered even its a small thing. And, I need to ask you for forgiveness on that. Gosh, I feel so reckless.. Still, Your Word always remind me that they that wait upon You shall renew their strength. I'm not jus physically tired, but, sigh, just feel like 50% of my strength gone. Lord, can You smack my head and wake me up? Pls don't smack too hard, lol, sorry. Sigh.. and I'll really be frustrated if ppl do say the word 'aiyoh' gosh, it's really annoying to me, yea, I misunderstood bout it, but pls dun say that word, sigh..
SSK cell 2 is starting begining on March, and our meeting is always a week earlier, so I couldn't go for the Youth Alpha, sigh, I know it's gonna be a lot of fun. Fuh, I need strength on that, it drains me alot. But why should I be weary when You are the Jehovah Jireh huh? Despite all, I still wanna thank You for providing me that 50% to move on. Thank You, LORD :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009


La~ well, I don't need to go to SCHOOL tomorrow!! Yipee!! ~ Ahh, get to rest for a day and get rid of those tiredness but i'm required to finish my homework no matter what too, haih. VALENTINES day is tomorrow? lol.. and I just wanna wish my friends on this day.. it's not specifically for couples, FRIENDSHIP is allowed too :D my rule, hehe.

Mum said she wanted to put me in one of those private schools, but dad said it's a slight chance to get in to local uni-s if I were to be in those schools. Oh well, I would jus hav to work super hard and pull myself up in any circumstances, but still, I really need the grace and help of the Lord to do so, haha.

One of my friend asked me to go for an event on Valentines day, but I jus simply replied that 'it's just not my time yet' lol.. What I mean is, maybe.. my heart ain't ready for it yet, and I'm just afraid I'll get hurt if it doesn't go the way I wish it would be. It's not my choice of not wanting it.. well I'm not sure.. if it's God's will, then let His will be done :) Let Him choose the right one for me. And, I don't require much, as long as he puts God above all else and love the Lord more than me. And so, "let my heart be free in time to come when all else is right and let His will be done. "
And still, my favorite song from Yiruma: Do you..
And also : Tears on love

Whoa! simply a wow~

My piano teac. gave a piano grade 8 piece: Allegro con Spirito by the excellent, renown Muzio Clementi. Gosh.. it's tough, since I had to skip grade 7 to grade 8.. save money :D and fast, haha. 5 paged long a piece, guess how long it may take for me to master this piece, but it's really nice, especially the begining and the end.. and it's just amazing the way this girl plays it .. and she's only 14! Whoa! bravissima!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Just ignore this... ramblings

Haha, too bored, not too keen to the homeworks, gosh... I can't figure out how to do those Add math q's. Yup, ask you! But you were not online.. hehe, so asked my dad, but he managed to teach me few questions.. guess it was just too many of em' for him. He's tired so I don't wanna trouble him too. Haih.. I'm not emphasizing on this, it's just some ramblings by me, of course. :p sorry.. this is how I sound when I'm so tired & frustrated..... :D hehe. Crazily me.

I know this blog is just so boring, but it's more to me as a diary rather than just typing down my emotions or anger, blahh... I'm just using this blog to glorify His name and testify His great splendour. Yupee...

Most of you may not know this facts about me. Well, sometimes I'm just rather serious when I talk, it's just the way I am. But if I wanna joke, I can really make you laugh. I'm just shy and I dun really expose my true emotions that obviously. My legs keeps hurting these few days, worst than before.. both legs are hurt rather than just one. But still, I must have faith that I'll get better, yup. Thank You, Lord :)

Lol, today at school the four girls including me got into a conversation of their 'love life', lol, girls talk. Haha, I didn't started it, but it's a girl's talk, so it's about girls 'love life' problems? nahh, we are mature girls, and we know how to handle. lol, what am I talking bout.... hehe. We were just basically talking funny or weird stuff just to distress. Haha, then I asked them a question, rather secret :p... "What if you find that guy to be your true love and you love him so much but it seems he doesn't really like you though you 2 are rather close? will you still stay loyal to him only because he's your true love?" They said yea.. lol, I don't know where did that come from.

Well, ok, end to that. Gosh.. I dun wanna say anymore.. haha. ta-ta :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Let Your will be done!

Well, just a scoop of my new school. It's rather shocking to see the students keeping quiet during every singing of the anthem and so forth, and the people there are mostly chinese, so you can imagine the people-in-charge are mostly which race. I'm writing this now, as I'm too tired of finishing my Sejarah homework. I went for prayer meeting with my parents last night which the Lord actually prompted me to go at first. But, just gonna obey Him forgetting the loads of homework at home. And, haha, the leader asked me to pray for the Children and Youthes, as only me and another girl are present as youth 'representative', but she was supposed to pray since she is more senior than me, supposedly. I kept praying in tongues and I got a lil nervous as it was my first time praying in front of the adults who were intercessors.. fuh! Then the Lord impressed on me the desire to really pray for the children and youthes as we are the next generation and the world is in our hands in coming.
So.. I'm just gonna work on it, and see what God has installed for me: His plans, His mission for me. Take it on, breaking bondages, let His will be done.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Heart Anew

Phew.. after one week of CNY in Kuching, I felt rather different this whole 1 week especially when I was packing my stuff to come back to KL. This whole week was, wow, revival I would say, so awesome~ Anyway, the most chun person is my mum, going to every of my relative's house and spreading the good news about Him and my dad's testimony, which is, He is now healed from cancer! Miracalously! WooHoo! Praise Him in the Highest! Amazing thing, when my mum shared all the stories, all of them kept quiet and listen carefully to my mum :D Which they used to be hard and their pride which used to cut off all of this, but by God's grace they didn't! And also my mum is a good story teller.

Yea, this week was also the time when God told me or advice me in things which He would want me to do for Him. Well, Lord, I will promise to work diligently and obediantly for Your sake. Lol, You asked me to read 1 Kings & 2 Kings once more and I understand the greatness of You and the punishment You will give to those who turn away from You, like some of the Kings for example Ahab and Ahaziah, their whole descendants were banished and none are left! That shows how real You are! Yup, my promise, to work my best to revive the next generation even till the last bit of my strength. I must make my promise, must, or not, shreek, doom. Lord, You're looking what I'm writing right now, gosh... it's serious matter! But still, Lord, wisdom and strength, my source of strength! Still can't do it without Your help...

As the second coming of Christ is near, Your people are reviving as You've planned, disasters upon disasters, trials and tribulations, it's all the sign of it. So, rise up people of God! Turn your hearts to the great He that has loved you from the bottom of His heart and He who has saved you in every possible way! Rise up!!