Sunday, February 1, 2009

Heart Anew

Phew.. after one week of CNY in Kuching, I felt rather different this whole 1 week especially when I was packing my stuff to come back to KL. This whole week was, wow, revival I would say, so awesome~ Anyway, the most chun person is my mum, going to every of my relative's house and spreading the good news about Him and my dad's testimony, which is, He is now healed from cancer! Miracalously! WooHoo! Praise Him in the Highest! Amazing thing, when my mum shared all the stories, all of them kept quiet and listen carefully to my mum :D Which they used to be hard and their pride which used to cut off all of this, but by God's grace they didn't! And also my mum is a good story teller.

Yea, this week was also the time when God told me or advice me in things which He would want me to do for Him. Well, Lord, I will promise to work diligently and obediantly for Your sake. Lol, You asked me to read 1 Kings & 2 Kings once more and I understand the greatness of You and the punishment You will give to those who turn away from You, like some of the Kings for example Ahab and Ahaziah, their whole descendants were banished and none are left! That shows how real You are! Yup, my promise, to work my best to revive the next generation even till the last bit of my strength. I must make my promise, must, or not, shreek, doom. Lord, You're looking what I'm writing right now, gosh... it's serious matter! But still, Lord, wisdom and strength, my source of strength! Still can't do it without Your help...

As the second coming of Christ is near, Your people are reviving as You've planned, disasters upon disasters, trials and tribulations, it's all the sign of it. So, rise up people of God! Turn your hearts to the great He that has loved you from the bottom of His heart and He who has saved you in every possible way! Rise up!!