Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Commerce of a New Year

Haha.. just a laugh to end a year which's going to end with enormous memories though unforgettable yet painful as well. First off, would like to thank the Lord for all that He has done, spiritualy and mentaly as well. It was more of a surprise that I was chosen out of the other teens to lead a group of young innocent, adorable kids below the age of 7. Having to carry this responsibility to teach God's Word to them as well as the pressure from school and home which sometimes drives me to the brink. I was just in the ministry shorter than the others but the overall leader, i guess, see something in me. It's really something I couldn't get from anywhere, going for training and so forth, it's tough, but fun, yea, haha. But most importantly, it was really a breakthrough for me, from being a quite worldly to a more godly gal. Only a handful knows how and what I was like before, I don't mean bad, but in spiritual terms, worldy, yea.. I used to like all sort of things, but I still dress appropriately of course. I used to watch alot of anime, love it so much, knowing every debut and MVs of every artist, playing games that I used to indulge in. So now I'm leaving that wordly life, upholding my all to Him, dedicated to Him alone. And too, I thank God that this year was a great year as well, a turning point in my spiritual life. And thank God for the times we spent as a family, sharing each other's burden and overcoming obstacles, great actually.
And not forgetting, meeting the three was like a great gift to me as well, they became like my mentors, letting me know the importance of a friendship as well as brother and sisterhood which I cherish so much ever since. Though others may misunderstood my intentions and what forth, causing anger and break-ups. yea, that was the bad part. But I thank God for letting me know the three.. cos I really adore them so darn much, truly, and they also mean so much to me too, that's why I treat them like my own family and to help them in all possible means. But at times I overeacted as well :p sorry guys. Who else? Rohana, Brian and Ashwin :) I'll cherish this friendship with you guys forever..
And my results.. ahhh.. not satisfying but I deserve it. Too lazy to study, last minute studying, heh... dats why result like that la. B for geo cos I was struck with a sudden eye strain and bad headache during the last paper, sigh. But still, gonna thank the Lord for all that He has done, though I didn't finish studying, wow, come to think of it, it's really by Your grace. But I really wanna apologise to my mom and dad, especially my dad, for humiliating him with this results, sigh.. really sorryyy dad, gonna work harder now, not gonna let you down ;( hah, sigh.
Well, my last words for this year, and my wish to everyone around me regardless of acquaintance or friends. May the Lord our Savior who has poured down His everlasting love ever bless you in any ways and may you grow closer to Him each day. He'll make your paths straight and strengthens you to do the things He wants you to do for Him. Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and you shall find. And for those who yet to know Him will eventually know that He's the One who could save you. So seek Him and not the flesh, for He is mighty and wonderous to help you out :)
Not to forget..

...A finale and a commerce of a new year...