Saturday, December 20, 2008

What a day! Hahah..

Wow, another hectic day. Guess I'm gonna go through the whole routine for today. First, woke up around 8 in the morning, practise playing the piano for really long, yet, teacher say she can't make it, sigh.. could have slept for those minutes to at least have more strength for the day. Then, have to prepare ingrediants with mum for the Christmas drama, made about 70 sandwiches, phew, but I didn't finish doing it, my siblings finished it off, cos got to rush to the party already.

My mum almost didn't allow me to go when I told my mum at first that I may have to go there by train, then she made up her mind to ask her friend, ben's mum to bring me and kai. Ash said he's at Megamall, can't come with me, then guess what, he took a cab and walk all the way.. kesian, but we walked all the way too!

Yea, about the party, let me go through the whole thing. I know the paint for the room was bought by tiffany from IKEA and painted by the youths, including tiffany and brian, of course. How I know? Haha.. easy thing. Yup, I really do enjoyed the party!! A really sporting mum and a mature and brave son. Lol.. kinda blur at the begining so can't really figure what to actually do and say. Owh, knowledgeable Kenny became leader! Claudia and I forced him, poor guy, end up calling our team Kenny Rogers, hehe, owh, that's Claudia's idea. Haha, I'm really kia-su during games, pardon me for that. Actually, I still find the magazine part the funniest of all. Eh, I tot it was Ash, then when I turn around, you said: "Thanks, geraldine, thanks for the idea." lol.. But of all, too bad we 3 missed the important part.. sigh, sorry, have to run errands today, seriously hectic.

Ash and kai came to my house and ate spagetti while mum shared more to them :D then, immediately rush to the drama. Great performance.. indeed. For just a short testi, yea, testi time.. Kai actually phoned me last night to tell me that both of them not going for the drama, after that I went and do my normal time alone and I came to a passage that I read before. It says that Jesus told the disciples that a faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains, and it requires prayer and fasting. So I decided to do it and ash phoned me and say that they are coming! Haha! Really thank God! And that's why it's important to do your time alone, you know? Ash saw Ron and he keeps on teasing me.. sadly, kai too. That time he was just 7 feets behind me, kesian la.. alone also. But hey, he's just a friend to me, and I like him as a friend. Haiyo, kacau me like that.

We came back after 10.. really tired and sleepy. My eye-strain came back again, always happen when I'm too stress.. It's 2.40 am now.. gotta sleep! And again, thank You, Lord!